Multi-flue Remedial Works

Horizon were awarded the contract to undertake works to a 33.5 metre high multi-flue chimney, located in the UK.
The aims of the project were to undertake remedial works that had been identified at subsequent inspections, in order to ensure that the chimney was safe, compliant and in good working order.
The objectives were achieved by installing a purpose design scaffold arrangement located below the chimney summit. This scaffold provided a safe working platform for the capping replacement and external remedials. Access was gained using a permanent internal ladder system and additional steeplejack access equipment.
The scope of the works would also see the installation of high density insultation to the vertical flues. Additionally the damper arms of the chimney were replaced due to age and corrosion and additional protective sleeves installed to assist in reducing corrosion. The bolts securing the dampers to the windshield were also replaced as a safety precaution, and the chimney smokeband was also over painted as requested.
General view of the chimney during the external painting
Internal insulation
General view showing the purpose made galvanised capping plate and the flue termination cappings that were site modified