BS 8903 Sustainable Procurement

Horizon has been involved in a BSI Case Study for BS 8903 Sustainable Procurement during 2012. We were invited to take part by BSI as an example of an SME in relation to the benefits of sustainable procurement.
This unique opportunity to work with BSI also provided a way to be a more socially responsible business. Other companies involved in the study were Marks and Spencer plc, Loughborough University and Wembley FA.
Within the standard, elements are outlined to give a business guidance on measurement to assess the extent and effectiveness of sustainable procurement activity, including the reduction of carbon emissions or the increased use of materials with recycled content. High-risk areas (or the supply-chain risk) were hence identified, enabling improved consideration in future to reduce the impact.
We at Horizon are keen to embrace and nurture these concepts, where possible, as part of our overall development.